Missed the ICT event of the year, or eager to relive its exciting moments?
No worries! We've got you covered, bringing together all the highlights right at your fingertips. Ready to dive back into Think NXT 2024? Click, watch, and get inspired!
Rediscover the keynotes from the plenary session
Watch our breakout sessions
Last year, we once again invited numerous interesting speakers for our break-out sessions, where new insights and opportunities in various sectors were discussed.
Watch the videos below.
I-care creates new business opportunities through data insights and 5G technology
Farmaflux safeguards sensitive data with a hybrid cloud approach
Active Directory: rescuing it from disaster
Prepare your company for a quantum safe future
De Medemens succesfully implemented Workplace as a Service
SASE: The architecture of the future and why it matters
Reimagine your Network! Simple affordable private 5G
Navigating NIS2: Proximus' internal approach and how we can help you!
OCTA+ optimizes omnichannel customer engagement with cloud technology, automation, and AI
Effortless AI integration: transforming your data into actionable insights in minutes
5G for business revolution: faster and more flexible connectivity
Sustainability and ICT: a Flemish government case study
Advancing responsible AI: ethics, fairness, and governance for everyone
Stibbe enhances its security measures: strategic initiatives for ensuring future growth
The essential role of Unified SASE in safeguarding OT Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) environments
Panel discussion: the power of diversity, women transforming the IT landscape
Novandi and Seafar are transforming their operations with 5G
Emerging ICT Trends and the need for smart and secure networks
The future of cloud is available today: Quantum-safe, AI-enabled, and fully sovereign
Panel discussion: from ideas to impact, co-creation as a catalyst for IT innovation
Driving service simplicity in a complex IT landscape
AI foundations: creating the ideal platform for your company's AI ambitions
Generative AI: hype versus reality
Panel discussion: the power of collaborative ecosystems
Canal Z/Kanaal Z: in-depth dialogues with ICT experts
Our innovative solutions are applicable across various sectors. Z-Extra delved deeper into these solutions and had some inspiring conversations with our ICT experts.
Watch the videos below.
Benoît Hespel sur l'intelligence artificielle éthique
Yashfeen Saiyid over de vele toepassingen van AI en hoe ermee aan de slag te gaan
Antoine Van Brussel nous en dit plus sur le Workplace as a Service (WPaaS)
Jurgen De Klerck vertelt over de verschillende toepassingen van 5G in de gezondheidssector
Frédéric Braham explique comment Proximus NXT contribue au développement des smart cities
Sofie Huylebroeck over de digitale weerbaarheid van bedrijven
Vincent Briquet parle des centres de contact dans le cloud
Johan De Belie over de nieuwe manier van business communicatie
Les défis et opportunités pour les femmes dans l’IT par Wilhelmine Dubuisson
Jan Sonck over de opstart van een Belgisch ecosysteem rond Quantum technologie
Gwénaëlle Hervé parle des nombreux avantages du cloud hybride
Tania Defraine vertelt over de uitdagingen en kansen voor vrouwen in IT
Antonio Paci parle de la sécurité OT (Technologie Opérationnelle)
Kristof Spriet over de toekomst van beveiligde datacommunicatie: van SD-WAN naar SASE en Quantum Safe Netwerken
Frédéric Renette parle de la diffusion d'événements sportifs via la connectivité 5G
Anne-Marie Covemaecker over complexe IT-diensten en Service Integratie en Management (SIAM)
Connect with us
Have a question or eager to speak with an expert? Whether you seek advice, collaboration, or simply a talk, we're all ears. Share your contact details, and let's start the conversation!
I-care creates new business opportunities through data insights and 5G technology
Explore the advancements in predictive and prescriptive analytics. How can a network of industrial sensors, connected via mobile networks, detect faults early? What strategies can be employed to optimize planning and reduce maintenance costs?
Frederic Braham (Proximus NXT)
Pierre Colon (I-care)
Farmaflux safeguards sensitive data with a hybrid cloud approach
Join this breakout session to explore the complexities of managing sensitive data in a hybrid cloud environment, with a focus on sovereign cloud platforms that enable organizations to retain full control of their data while utilizing cloud technologies.
Filip Marchal (Proximus NXT)
Marc Buckens (APB)
Manon Buyl (APB)
Active Directory: rescuing it from disaster
Active Directory (AD) is the backbone of identity management in nearly all organizations, making it a key target for cyberattacks. Is your AD truly secure? Learn from a customer case on the critical importance of managing and protecting AD. Hear firsthand about the steps taken to defend against and recover from a significant breach, and why proactive AD management is vital for safeguarding your organization's infrastructure.
Oliver Keizers (Semperis)
Wouter Vandenbussche (Proximus NXT)
Prepare your company for a quantum safe future
Why do crypto-relevant quantum computers pose a threat? And what can you already do to secure a quantum-safe future for your organisation?
Wim Van Vossel (Proximus NXT)
Tom Engels (Proximus NXT Nederland)
Thomas Van Puyenbroeck (Proximus NXT)
De Medemens succesfully implemented Workplace as a Service
Discover how Zorggroep De Medemens integrated IT and digital workspace management systems across its care centers and medical homes. With the support of Proximus NXT, the organization has been transformed into a professional and scalable entity.
Luc Dehaene (Proximus NXT)
Wim Haentjens, De Medemens & De Medemens Kinderdagverblijven
SASE: the architecture of the future and why it matters
As companies increasingly rely on cloud and SaaS applications, with employees working from virtually anywhere, security and network architecture must adapt accordingly. The rapid pace of change in recent years has made simply updating outdated systems inadequate. To safeguard data and applications, a new approach is required—one that shifts the security perimeter from traditional IT environments to the cloud: SASE (Secure Access Service Edge).
Andy Quaeyhaegens (Netskope)
Sofie Huylebroeck (Proximus NXT)
Reimagine your network! Simple affordable private 5G
Druid Software will demonstrate how Private 5G enables secure, high-speed, low-latency wireless networking. Druid's innovative technology integrates smoothly with existing IP networks, offering a cost-competitive alternative to WiFi and similar solutions. Through Proximus' managed private network service, businesses can deploy this technology seamlessly without additional technical burden. Druid will showcase how their solution has transformed operations and unlocked new capabilities across sectors like Healthcare, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Media.
David O'Byrne (Druid Software)
Jurgen De Klerck (Proximus NXT)
Navigating NIS2: Proximus' internal approach and how we can help you!
Discover how Proximus successfully navigated the NIS2 project internally, starting with creating awareness and establishing a robust program structure. This presentation will delve into the reference framework we utilized, our strategic approach and priorities, and the challenges we overcame. Additionally, we will highlight how our solutions and services can assist you in achieving NIS2 compliance, leveraging our firsthand experience to guide you through this complex landscape.
OCTA+ optimizes omnichannel customer engagement with cloud technology, automation, and AI
Unlock the power of cloud-based contact centers to elevate your Customer Experience. Enhance digital interactions, streamline operations with AI-driven automation, and learn from OCTA+’s key insights.
Antoine Van Brussel (Proximus NXT)
Stefanie Meyen (Octa+)
Effortless AI integration: transforming your data into actionable insights in minutes
Hans Verbeeck (Microsoft)
Yves Maelfait (Proximus NXT)
5G for business revolution: faster and more flexible connectivity
Sustainability and ICT: a Flemish government case study
Sustainability is increasingly becoming a strategic priority for many companies, often integrated into their CSR charters. These considerations are also playing a growing role in ICT projects. In this context, we present the customer use case of Het Facilitair Bedrijf (Flemish Government).
Luc Verdegem (Het Facilitair Bedrijf)
Erik Hendrix (Proximus NXT)
Advancing responsible AI: ethics, fairness, and governance for everyone
Last year, we provided practical tips on how to get started with AI. This year, the focus shifts to adopting a responsible approach. How can we ensure that AI technologies are used in ways that uphold fairness, accountability, and respect for human rights? And how can we govern AI effectively while adhering to (EU) regulations? Join our experts in exploring key aspects of responsibility, such as ethical principles, equitable standards for all users, and inclusivity. Discover how the journey towards trustworthy AI is one that doesn’t have to be taken alone.
Benoît Hespel (Proximus ADA)
Dirk Luyckx (Codit)
Stibbe enhances its security measures: strategic initiatives for ensuring future growth
An engaging session focused on developing and strengthening your organization’s cyber resilience, featuring a real-world case study from Stibbe. We’ll delve into the idea of cyber resilience as a continuous process and discuss the necessity for security measures that adapt to the evolving threat landscape. This session will offer valuable insights and actionable steps for organizations at any stage of their cybersecurity journey.
Raf Peeters (Proximus NXT)
Olivier Van Eesbeecq (Stibbe)
The essential role of Unified SASE in safeguarding OT Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) environments
How Unified SASE can address common challenges in safeguarding European critical and important entities from constantly evolving cyber threats.
Steven De Mot (Fortinet)
David Mobers (Proximus NXT)
Panel discussion: the power of diversity, women transforming the IT landscape
An insightful panel discussion featuring three accomplished women in ICT, as they share their experiences and perspectives on navigating the tech industry. This session will explore the unique challenges they’ve faced, the opportunities they’ve embraced, and the vital role gender diversity plays in driving innovation. This discussion aims to inspire and empower, offering actionable ideas for creating a more diverse and dynamic technology landscape.
Wilhelmine Dubuisson, moderator (Proximus NXT)
Aurélie Couvreur (MIC)
Barbara Van Den Haute (Microsoft)
Beatrice de Mahieu (BeCode)
Novandi and Seafer are transforming their operations with 5G
Every sector must enhance or even innovate their operations to remain competitive in the future. In this regard, 5G stands out as a vital ally. We will present a concrete example from multimodal logistics that demonstrates how this groundbreaking technology has streamlined employee tasks and improved site management and safety. Discover why 5G is particularly effective for remote operations and how it can inspire your future as well.
Kris Van Cauwenbergh (Proximus NXT)
Cyrielle Böttcher (Novandi)
Ghazaleh Kia (Seafar)
Emerging ICT trends and the need for smart and secure networks
In the years ahead, the ICT landscape will be influenced by major trends such as AI integration, IoT expansion, and 5G advancements. Companies must not only embrace smart technologies but also prioritize strong network security to remain competitive and resilient. In this presentation, we will examine the essential connection between network and security, highlighting the shift from a basic operational requirement to a strategic imperative. We’ll discuss how Proximus can assist your company during this transition, providing innovative solutions that range from comprehensive network security to future-proof quantum technologies.
Catherine De Saedeleer (Proximus NXT)
Kristof Spriet (Proximus NXT)
The future of cloud is available today: Quantum-Safe, AI-enabled, and fully sovereign
Panel discussion: from ideas to impact, co-creation as a catalyst for IT innovation
Join this insightful breakout session to explore how customers collaborate with Proximus in co-creation tracks, shaping the future of their digital transformation journeys. Learn through real-world exampleshow these collaborative efforts foster innovation and tailor solutions to meet specific business needs.
Joke Tisaun, moderator (Proximus NXT)
Prof. Ives Hubloue (UZ Brussel)
Yashfeen Saiyid (Proximus NXT)
Stefan Demey (DPG Media)
Driving service simplicity in a complex IT landscape
As IT technologies evolve rapidly, maintaining an exceptional end-to-end (E2E) customer experience can be a challenge for many organizations. Discover how Proximus NXT leverages its skilled teams, optimized processes, and innovative tools to consistently deliver operational excellence to its clients.
Fabrice De Windt (Proximus NXT)
AI foundations: creating the ideal platform for your company's AI ambitions
Tom Olislagers (CTO Dell)
Joris Duysens (Proximus NXT)
Generative AI: hype versus reality
The hype surrounding generative AI has captivated the world, but what is the actual reality? What opportunities does generative AI present in collaboration technology, and what challenges arise in building and deploying these solutions? We will explore different facets of generative AI technology and introduce a responsible AI framework to facilitate successful deployments.
Keith Griffin (Cisco)
Vincent Briquet (Proximus NXT)
Panel discussion: the power of collaborative ecosystems
What roles can education partners, knowledge centers, and ecosystems play in the talent competition to bridge the skills gap and foster innovation among all stakeholders involved?
Femke Vandoninck, moderator (Proximus NXT)
Amir Fattal (MolenGeek)
Johan De Gelas (Howest)
Abd-Samad Habbachi (A6K)
Benoît Hespel sur l'intelligence artificielle éthique
Yashfeen Saiyid over de vele toepassingen van AI en hoe ermee aan de slag te gaan
Antoine Van Brussel nous en dit plus sur le Workplace as a Service (WPaaS)
Jurgen De Klerck vertelt over de verschillende toepassingen van 5G in de gezondheidssector
Frédéric Braham explique comment Proximus NXT contribue au développement des smart cities
Sofie Huylebroeck over de digitale weerbaarheid van bedrijven
Vincent Briquet parle des centres de contact dans le cloud
Johan De Belie over de nieuwe manier van business communicatie
Les défis et opportunités pour les femmes dans l’IT par Wilhelmine Dubuisson
Jan Sonck over de opstart van een Belgisch ecosysteem rond Quantum technologie
Gwénaëlle Hervé parle des nombreux avantages du cloud hybride
Tania Defraine vertelt over de uitdagingen en kansen voor vrouwen in IT
Antonio Paci parle de la sécurité OT (Technologie Opérationnelle)
Kristof Spriet over de toekomst van beveiligde datacommunicatie: van SD-WAN naar SASE en Quantum Safe Netwerken
Frédéric Renette parle de la diffusion d'événements sportifs via la connectivité 5G
Anne-Marie Covemaecker over complexe IT-diensten en Service Integratie en Management (SIAM)
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